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We are happy to announce that the 4th International Festival “Khöömei in the Center of Asia” will take place in the city of Kyzyl from 16 till 19 August 2022. The producer of the Festival is the Presidential Foundation for Cultural Initiatives, the Ministry of culture of tourism of the Republic of Tuva.

The festival is held within the framework of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on holding in the Russian Federation the Year of Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of Russia.

The main goal of the Festival is preservation, development and popularization of khöömei as an object of intangible cultural heritage of the Tuvan people.

This year, the Festival is dedicated to the memory and the 60th anniversary of the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, People’s Khöömeizhi of the Republic of Tyva Kongar-ool Ondar.

The competition will take place in next categories:

“Traditional Solo Performance”,
“Traditional Ensemble Performance”,
“Khöömei Improvisation”,
“Online- Khöömei” (only participants from foreign countries may participate in this category. Participants should take a video of their solo performance and send it by email. Performances should be no longer than 5 minutes).

Submission of application for participation in the Competition is carried out only online at the following link: https://www.tuvankhoomei.com/stoimost or also can be sent by the email to the tuvancenter@gmail.com
Registration open until August 1, 2022.

Contact information:

e-mail: tuvancenter@gmail.com

+7 (913) 729-54-71 (Viber, Whatsapp, Telegram, WeChat) Sonamaa Kuular: For participants from foreign countries;
+7 (923) 380-66-61 (Viber, Whatsapp, Telegram) Shurumaa Badyraa: For participants from outside of Russia:
+7 (983) 516-31-97 (Viber, Whatsapp, Telegram) Adygzhy Mongush: For participants from Tuva.

#Международный_фестиваль_Хоомей_в_Центре_Азии #грандиозное_событие #культура_Тувы #Фондкультурныхинициатив #Грантдлякреативныхкоманд @pfci.grants https://фондкультурныхинициатив.рф/

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